All Things Professional recognizes the importance of caring for our environment as well as ensuring a safer workplace. Safety first and always choosing to go green is our promise to you.

We take this responsibility seriously and have incorporated a safer, user-friendly product line and commit to being educated on leading edge green technology. 

All Things Professional will use only green products that are formulated with environmentally preferable chemistry to help ensure a healthier and safer environment. 

Our Purpose

Seek and promote innovative chemical products, technologies, and practices that benefit human health and the environment.

The benefits

All Things Professional uses products that are formulated with the environment and humans strongly in mind and use the following types of ingredients:

• Biodegradable surfactants, with byproducts that are less toxic than the parent compound
• Solvents that are not hazardous air pollutants and pose no threat to the Earth’s ozone layer
• Fragrances that have been screened for a more positive environmental profile than in conventional cleaning and floor care products

resource conservation

All Things Professional uses products that significantly reduce wear and tear on substrates, fabrics, and other surfaces with which the products come in contact, thereby extending their usable life.

epa recognition and support

All Things Professional uses products which exhibit the “Design for the Environment” logo. This signifies that the formula for this product has been represented by the EPA, and contains ingredients with more positive health and environmental characteristics than conventional cleaners.